Hyundai Tucson (NX4) 2022-2025 Service Manual: Downhill Brake Control Swtich
- Description
The DBC function is the acronym word of Downhill Brake Control
function. When a vehicle goes down the hill, just pushing the DBC switch
enables the car to keep its vehicle's speed at a constant value without
operating the brake pedal. The DBC function is operat]ed when the
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Hyundai Tucson (NX4) 2022-2025 Service Manual: Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting
SymptomPossible causeRemedy
Hard steeringImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Excessive turning resistance of lower arm ball jointReplace
Low tire pressureAdjust
No power assistRepair and replace
Poor return of steering wheel to centerImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect