Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Cylinder Block / Water Jacket Insert

- Removal and installation


• Be careful not to damage the parts located under the vehicle (floor under cover, fuel filter, fuel tank and canister) when raising the vehicle using the lift.(Refer to General Information - "Lift and Support Points")

1.Remove the cylinder head. (Refer to the Cylinder Head Assembly - "Cylinder Head")

2.Remove the water jacket insert (A).


• When removing the water jacket insert, be careful not to damage the top surface of the cylinder block.

3.Install in the reverse order of removal.

    Components and Components Location
    - Components 1. RH water jacket insert2. LH water jacket insert3. Cylinder block4. O-ring5. Piston cooling oil jet6. Crankshaft upper bearing (No. 1, 5 journal)7. Thrust bearing8. Crankshaft upp ...

    Drive Plate
    - Removal and Installation     • Be careful not to damage the parts located under the vehicle (floor under cover, fuel filter, fuel tank and canister) when raising the vehicle ...

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