Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Cylinder Block / Components and Components Location

- Components

1. RH water jacket insert
2. LH water jacket insert
3. Cylinder block
4. O-ring
5. Piston cooling oil jet
6. Crankshaft upper bearing (No. 1, 5 journal)
7. Thrust bearing
8. Crankshaft upper bearing (No. 2, 3, 4 journal)
9. Crankshaft
10. Crankshaft position sensor wheel
11. Crankshaft lower bearing
12. Rear oil seal
13. Drive plate
14. Drive plate adaptor
15. Lower crankcase
16. Access hole cover
17. Piston ring (Top ring)
18. Piston ring (2nd ring)
19. Piston ring (Oil ring)
20. Snap ring
21. Piston pin
22. Piston
23. Connecting rod
24. Connecting rod upper bearing
25. Connecting rod lower bearing
26. Connecting rod bearing cap

    Cylinder Block

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