Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Panorama Sunroof / Panorama Sunroof Motor

- Replacement

1.Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.

2.Remove the roof trim assembly.(Refer to Body - "Roof Trim Assembly")

3.Loosen the mounting bolts,disconnect the connector and remove the sunroof motor (A).[Glass Motor]

4.Loosen the mounting bolts,disconnect the connector and remove the blind motor (A).[Roller Blind Motor]

- Adjustment Resetting The Panoramaroof Whenever the vehicle battery is disconnected or discharged, or you use the emergency handle to operate the panoramaroof, you have to reset your panoramaroof system as follows :


You need to reset the sunroof motor to its default settings for the following cases :

– The sunroof motor loses battery power temporarily because the battery or fuse is replaced or the battery has died.

– The automatic opening or closing of the sunroof, a one-touch feature, does not function properly.

– The sunroof reopens during automatic closing even if there is no object caught in the sunroof (safety feature)

1.Turn the ignition key to the ON position and then close the panoramaroof completely.

2.Release the panoramaroof control lever.

3.Press and hold the CLOSE button for more than 10 seconds until the sunroof has moved slightly.

4.Release the panoramaroof control lever.

5.Press and hold the CLOSE button once again within 5 seconds until the panorama sunroof do as follows ;

• Blind open and glass open → Glass close → Blind closeThen release the lever.

6.Reset procedure of panorama system is finished.

Protecting The Overheated Motor In order to protect the overheated panoramaroof motor by continuous motor operation, the panoramaroof ECU controls the Run-time and Cool-time of motor as followings;.

1.The panoramaroof ECU detects the Run- time of motor

2.Motor can be operated continuously for the 1st Run-time(120 ± 10sec.).

3.Motor which is operated continuously stops operating after the 1st Run-time(120 ± 10sec.).

4.And then Motor is not operated for the 1st Cool-time(18 ± 2sec.).

5.Motor is operated for the 2nd Run-time(10 ± 2sec.) at the continued motor operation after 1st Cool-time(18 ± 2sec.)

6.Motor which is operated continuously stops operating after the 2nd Run-time(10 ± 2sec.)

7.Motor is not operated for the 2nd Cool-time(18 ± 2sec.).

8.Motor repeats the 2nd Run-time and 2nd Cool-time at the continued motor operation.

– In case that motor is not operated continuously, the Run-time which is limited for protecting the overheated motor is increased.

– The Run-Time of motor is initialized to "0" if the battery or fuse is reconnected after being disconnected, discharged or blown.

T1 : 120 ± 10 sec., T2 : 18 ± 2 sec.T3 : 10 ± 2 sec., T4 : 18 ± 2 sec.

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