Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Timing System / Components and Components Location

- Components

1. Front oil seal
2. E-CVVT cover plug
3. E-CVVT cover
4. Variable Force Solenoid Valve (VFS)
5. Timing chain cover
6. E-CVVT plug

7. Timing chain cam to cam guide
8. Timing chain
9. Timing chain tensioner arm
10. Timing chain guide
11. Timing chain tensioner
12. Balance shaft chain sprocket

13. Timing chain sprocket
14. Balance shaft chain guide
15. Balance shaft chain
16. Balance shaft chain tensioner arm
17. Balance shaft chain tensioner

    Timing System

    Front Oil Seal
    - Replacement     • Be careful not to damage the parts located under the vehicle (floor under cover, fuel filter, fuel tank and canister) when raising the vehicle using the li ...

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