Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Braking System / Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)


Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) or Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system will not prevent accidents due to improper or dangerous driving maneuvers. Even though vehicle control is improved during emergency braking, always maintain a safe distance between you and objects ahead of you. Always reduce the vehicle speed in extreme road conditions.

The braking distance for vehicles equipped with ABS or ESC may be longer than for those without these systems in the following road conditions:

  • Rough, gravel, or snow-covered roads.
  • On roads where the road surface is pitted or has different surface height.
  • Tire chains are installed on your vehicle.

Never test the safety features of an ABS or ESC equipped vehicle by high speed driving or cornering. It may cause a collision and endanger the safety of yourself or others.

ABS is an electronic braking system that helps prevent a braking skid. ABS allows the driver to steer and brake at the same time.

Warning messages
Parking brake automatically engaged When EPB is applied while Auto Hold is activated, a warning sounds and a message appears. Press brake pedal to deactivate AUTO HOLD If you did not appl ...

Using ABS
To obtain the maximum benefit from your ABS in an emergency situation, do not attempt to modulate your brake pressure and do not try to pump your brakes. Depress your brake pedal as hard as ...

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