Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Suspension System / Troubleshooting

- Troubleshooting

SymptomPossible causeRemedy
Hard steeringImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Excessive turning resistance of lower arm ball jointReplace
Low tire pressureAdjust
No power assistRepair and replace
Poor return of steering wheel to centerImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Poor or rough rideImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Malfunctioning shock absorberRepair or replace
Broken or worn stabilizerReplace
Broken or worn coil springReplace
Worn lower arm bushingReplace the lower arm assembly
Abnormal tire wearImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Improper tire pressureAdjust
Malfunctioning shock absorberReplace
WanderingImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Poor turning resistance of lower arm ball jointRepair
Loose or worn lower arm bushingRetighten or replace
Vehicle pulls to one sideImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Excessive turning resistance of lower arm ball jointReplace
Broken or worn coil springReplace
Bent lower armRepair
Steering wheel shimmyImproper front wheel alignmentCorrect
Poor turning resistance of lower arm ball jointReplace
Broken or worn stabilizerReplace
Worn lower arm bushingReplace
Malfunctioning shock absorberReplace
Broken or worn coil springReplace

Wheel and tire diagnosis
Rapid wear at the centerRapid wear at both shouldersWear at one shoulder

Center-tread down to fabric due to excessive over inflated tires
Lack of rotation
Excessive toe on drive wheels
Heavy acceleration on drive
Under-inflated tires
Worn suspension components
Excessive cornering speeds
Lack of rotation
Toe adjustment out of specification
Camber out of specification
Damaged strut
Damaged lower arm
Partial wearFeathered edgeWear pattern

Caused by irregular burrs on brake drums
Toe adjustment out of specification
Damaged or worn tie rods
Damaged knuckle
Excessive toe on non-drive wheels
Lack of rotation

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