Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Charging System / Troubleshooting

- Troubleshooting


• Be careful not to short-circuit the wiring by the body or other wirings.

• In case of discharging problem, measure dark current at all times.(Charging System - "Dark Current Inspection")

• When checking the alternator main fuse, perform continuity test and voltage test between terminals as well as visual check to confirm normal operation.

• When checking the ground, repair or replace after inspecting for defective ground cable, defective installation or defective contact due to foreign object.

• It is not recommended to use non-authentic parts as installing non-authentic parts may cause malfunction of charging system.

• Be careful as misassembly may cause short-circuit of wiring, which may result in battery discharge.

• As it will reset and appear as normal if the battery negative (-) terminal is disconnected while measuring dark current, measure by using a hook meter without disconnecting the negative (-) terminal.

• Note that there may be various phenomenons / possible causes / repair measures apart from above.

• For more effective repairs, refer to DTC guide and ETM.

SymptomSuspected AreaRemedy
Charging warning lamp does not turn on during IG ON.Broken alternator main fuseInspect / Repair / Replace fuse.
Broken instrument cluster fuseInspect / Repair / Replace fuse.
Broken instrument cluster internal bulbInspect / Repair / Replace instrument cluster.
Defective connection of wiring connectorInspect / Repair / Replace wiring connection.
Defective voltage regulator or alternatorInspect / Repair / Replace voltage regulator or alternator.
Defective connection of battery terminalInspect tightening of (+) and (-) battery terminals to specified torque.
Communication errorInspect wiring between regulator and ECM.
Inspect transmission signal of ECM.
Inspect / Repair / Replace alternator if the wiring and ECM are normal.
Charging warning lamp does not turn off during engine running.Worn drive belt or lack of tensionInspect / Repair / Replace drive belt.
Defective connection, corroded or worn battery cableInspect connection of battery cable and Inspect / Repair / Replace cable.
Broken alternator main fuseInspect / Replace alternator main fuse or battery cable.
Defective voltage regulator or alternatorInspect / Replace voltage regulator or alternator.
Defective wiringInspect / Replace wiring.
Defective instrument clusterInspect / Replace instrument cluster
Slip in alternator pulleyInspect / Replace alternator pulley.
Adjust tension / Replace drive belt.
Defective connection of battery terminalInspect tightening of (+) and (-) battery terminals to specified torque.
Charging warning lamp turns on.Slip, worn or lack of tension in drive beltAdjust tension / Replace drive belt.
Inspect / Replace auto tensioner (only for auto tensioner type).
Error in Alternator Management System (AMS) voltageInspect battery sensor connecting harness and connection with body.
Error in battery sensorInspect / Repair / Replace battery sensor.
Short between battery sensor wiring and bodyInspect / Repair / Replace battery sensor.
Defective alternator L terminal output powerInspect / Repair / Replace alternator or regulator.
Degradation due to defective contact of battery (+) terminalCheck tightening to specified torque / Inspect / Repair / Replace battery wiring.
Short in alternator connecting extension connector internal pinInspect / Repair / Replace wiring.
Short circuit between body and mission groundInspect / Repair / Replace ground.
Communication errorInspect / Repair / Replace wiring between regulator and ECM.
Inspect transmission signal of ECM.
Inspect / Repair / Replace alternator if wiring and ECM are normal.
Short in the middle of connection to alternator L terminal
(L terminal applied vehicle model)
Inspect / Repair / Replace wiring.
Drive belt rotation stops due to slip in crankshaft damper pulley or defective pulley.Inspect or replace crankshaft damper pulley / Inspect, repair or replace drive belt tensioner bearing.
Slip, worn or lack of tension in drive beltAdjust tension / Inspect / Repair / Replace drive belt.
Defective voltage regulatorInspect / Repair / Replace voltage regulator.
Defective alternatorInspect / Repair / Replace alternator.
Broken alternator main fuseInspect / Repair / Replace alternator main fuse or battery wiring cable.
Defective groundInspect / Repair / Replace ground.
Discharged batteryAdjust tension / Inspect / Repair / Replace drive belt.
Inspect / Repair / Replace wiring connection.
Inspect / Repair / Replace alternator main fuse.
Inspect / Repair / Replace alternator.
Inspect / Repair / Replace voltage regulator.
Inspect / Repair / Replace battery unit.
Inspect for dark current / Repair / Replace.
Learn / Inspect / Repair / Replace battery sensor.
Inspect for short / Repair / Replace battery cable.
Inspect / Repair / Replace ECM.
Inspect / Repair / Replace body electrical related parts.
Inspect / Repair / Replace installation status of alternator connector.
Inspect / Repair / Replace tightening of (+) and (-) battery terminals to specified torque.
Swollen batteryDefective batteryInspect / Replace battery.
Defective voltage regulator or alternatorInspect / Repair / Replace voltage regulator or alternator.
Defective charging related parts or wiringInspect / Repair / Replace charging related parts and wiring.
After inspection, repair or replace related parts in case of malfunction.

    Components and Components Location
    - Components 1. ECM2. Battery3. Alternator4. Starter5. Instrument Cluster6. Ignition switch or start/stop button7. Battery sensor8. Hood switch ...

    Schematic Diagrams
    - Circuit Diagram ...

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