If your vehicle is parked and the engine is left on for a long period of time, the engine turns off automatically to help reduce fuel consumption and prevent carbon dioxide poisoning.
Operating Conditions
Vehicle Auto-Shut Off timer operates when all the following conditions are satisfied:
System Operation
When all the conditions are satisfied, the Vehicle Auto-Shut Off operates and turns the engine off automatically after 60 minutes.
A timer appears on the instrument cluster 30 minutes before vehicle shuts off.
Resetting cluster timer
A timer appears on the instrument cluster after 30 minutes and is reset by:
Deactivating Conditions
The system does not automatically shut off the engine if:
Hyundai Tucson (NX4) 2022-2025 Owner's Manual: Deleting Digital Key (Card Key)
1. Turn on the vehicle with the smart
key and be sure to keep the smart
key inside the vehicle during delete
2. Delete your digital key (card key) from
in the infotainment system. From the
Settings menu, go to Setup > Vehicle
> Digital Key > Card Key and then
selec ...
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Prerequisite for activation
The driver's seatbelt is fastened.
The driver's door and hood are closed.
The brake vacuum pressure is
The battery sensor is activated and
the battery is sufficiently charged.
Outside temperature is not too low or
too high.
The vehicle is ...