Hyundai Tucson Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Tucson: Wireless Power Charger System / Troubleshooting

- Troubleshooting Wireless Power Charger System Troubleshooting

Trouble statusInspection itemInspection
Not chargedCheck the mobile phone status R-1
Amber LED blinks OvercurrentR-2
Foreign matterR-2

R-1. Check the wireless power charger system operation

1.If the placement of a mobile phone is not detected

(1)If the internal temperature of the mobile phone battery is high, the mobile phone itself turns "OFF" the power.


The temperature at which the power is automatically turned "OFF" differs by mobile phone model.

(2)If the mobile phone was placed outside the charging range

(3)If the mobile phone was placed by its LCD side on the charging pad surface (if the phone was placed upside down)

(4)If the mobile phone was turned 180˚

2.Check that the amber LED of the wireless charging lamp turns on when the mobile phone is in normal condition and is correctly placed.

R-2. Check for overcurrent, overheating and foreign matter

1.Overcurrent : Charging stops in overcurrent of over 4.5 A

(1)The overcurrent error status will be reset when the current falls under 4.5 A or when ACC is turned off and on.

2.Overheating : The unit will be automatically turned "OFF" when the internal temperature of the wireless charging unit is over 158°F (70˚C).

(1)The error status will be reset when the internal temperature of the wirelss charging unit falls under 149°F (65°C).

3.Foreign matter : When metallic objects such as coins, clips and precious metals are detected, charging will be stopped to prevent overheating.

(1)Error status will be reset when foreign matter is removed.


• The amber LED of the charging display lamp blinks 10 times for 10 seconds, and then it is turned off for 50 seconds (total 60 seconds).

• The process is repeated for every 60 seconds.

• Turning ACC OFF/ON resets the error status and returns to normal operation.

    Components and Positions
    - Components 1. Wireless power charging unit2. Wireless power charging lamp ...

    - Specification ItemSpecification Rated voltageDC 12V Operating voltageDC 9.0 - 16.0V Operating temperature-86 to 167°F (-30 to 75°C) Dark currentMAX 1mA Output power5 W Output frequency120 ...

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